We have two Ship Replacement Programs (SRP) – ASCEE Care and Affordable Care(Alliance). Both can and should be used at same time. ASCEE Care operates as a supplement to Affordable Care.
This guide only covers ASCEE Care.
Reminder: The SRP program is a privilege not a right. You are NOT entitled to anything. If rejected you can appeal, however if you are rude, you run the risk of being banned from filing future SRP requests. This program is done by volunteers as-is the funding provided to it. ASCEE SRP is not funded by Corp taxes, Corp taxes pay to alliance and structures for your use. -updated to make this clear.
– March 21, 2021 - Triab
UPDATE: Oct 4: New link as asceecare.goonfleet.{}com is broken
Below is what qualifies for SRP. Affordable Care policies should be viewed on goonfleet.com.
– Loss of a mining/ratting ship in an official Imperium stratop ADM fleet (capitals excluded)
– Fleets pinged to Friends of Ascendance(FOA)[ASCEEEE] are open to All Imperium on those fleets
– Loss of most PVP subcapital ships
– Loss of ratting Myrmidons but must have a player on the loss
– Losses to NPC’s only
– Capitals+ (covered by appropriate capital+ sigs/squads)
– No ping in description or information for what you were doing
– Losses over 30 days old
– Losses lost while disobeying the FC
Payout prices are based on a percentage of what Affordable Care pays and is intended to only be a supplement to it and not a replacement.
Monthly Catch All Links are for any that don’t have a specific fleet link added, if an FC creates a link for their fleet, please use that one instead of the Monthly one.
Questions about SRP can be pinged to @SRP on discord.