All members of Ascendance are required to take part in at least 3 alliance strategic/Peace fleet minimum each month.
Currently counting Peacetime fleets as well as Strategic until further notice
NO Exceptions! This is a very lenient requirement that leaves plenty of room for IRL issues.
A pap or participation link is simply used as a way for us to see how many fleets you are going on. At the end of the fleet the the fleet dashboard will automatically capture your participation.
Any fleet pinged on jabber is eligible to receive a pap.
Q: I joined the corporation on the (19th, 27th, 31st, 2ed, 5th, whatever) of the month! When will I need to meet the requirements?
A: Nope. Only pilots who were present for the ENTIRE CALENDAR MONTH are considered. Example: Pilot joined Ascendance on July 2nd, 2015. This pilot will had to have completed paplinks by the final day of September before midnight EVE time (before the EVE time day rolls over to October 1st).
Q: I have like 192 alts in the corp! Some of them can't even fly a combat ship? Are you going to kick my alts?
A: No. The PLAYER is what is considered, not the pilot, as long as you are attending fleets on any Ascendance character you own will count. If you are able to multibox pvp characters you will receive 1 paplink for each of your characters in fleet towards your forum account.
Q: How do I view my paps?
A: is where to check paps, also what auto captures the fleet.
Q: I see the terms PAP's and StratPAP's being thrown around. Is there a difference? Is one type of fleet less valid than another (mining fleet vs home defense for example), or are all PAPs equal when it comes to participation requirements?
A: Strategic paps are paplinks that count towards the alliance strategic objectives. Peacetime(PCT) paplinks are usually more fun fleets and roams.
Q: I have a question that is not answered here.
A: Contact either an IA officer, or any Director on Discord.